How ULCNA Members can stay informed about what’s new & important:

If you are a resident of the Upper Las Colonias neighborhood we want to help keep you informed of what is important to you in your neighborhood. Towards that goal we ask you to please forward your email address to the ULCNA mail box: This will enable us to keep you fully informed on what’s going on.

P.O. Box 1229, El Prado, New Mexico 87529

Also, feel free to forward any issues or concerns you’d like to see published on this website. The board will review the information for appropriate posting.

ULCNA Board Members & their contact information:



Joint Working Group

  • Phil Caston 
  • Kurt Edelbrock
  • John Halley
  • Eugenia Hauber
  • Lynn Jones: 575-770-2960 |
  • Mike Tarleton
  • Jeff Tetenbaum