Zoom Meeting at 4:00PM on Tuesday, February 2nd

The next ULCNA board meeting will be held on Zoom at 4:00PM on Tuesday, February 2nd. Our last meeting was our Annual Meeting in November. The meeting minutes are available on our website, ulcna.org.
We cancelled our January meeting as it didn’t appear anything of consequence changed since mid November on the major issues under consideration at the county. The same can be said for this past month.
We’ve decided to hold the February meeting regardless and have an open forum for our members. If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or if you’d just like to see other peoples faces, we’ll send you an invitation to the meeting.
Please respond via email at ulcnataos@gmail.com to receive an invitation to the Zoom Meeting. We will send you the information on how to join the meeting either on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Thanks
Jeff Tetenbaum
ULCNA Board Secretary
AGENDA For Zoom Meeting Tuesday February 2, 2021
- Call to Order
- Treasurer’s Report
- Minutes of the Annual Meeting
- Update on TREV Project
- Update of Zoning Application
- Update on Taos Mountain Wellness
- Open Forum
- Other Business to be Determined